
5 Tips for Choosing a theme for your WordPress

Whenever you want to change the design of your website or blog thousand doubts arise about what design will be best for you. What will be easier to adapt. Which will get your users are more comfortable, etc.

Obviously the choice of web design is personal, although should rely always on a series of points so that the changes you make to the design of your website always better.

choosing a theme for wordpress

In this article I want to give you a few tips so you can choose the WordPress theme that best suits your blog.

Responsive Design

What is this Responsive design?
It is very easy, every time we connect from more different platforms, such as the three most basic are Pc, tablet and mobile.

Each of these devices has a different configuration screen, and it’s always good to be offered the user a correct navigation experience to connect from where you connected.

With responsive design you are going to obtain this same. Any user, who connects to your blog or website, if you have a responsive design, will be able to view the site correctly because the design will adapt to the user’s screen.

SEO Optimization
This is one of the most important points to keep in mind to choose your theme.

Specifically the SEO is something every blogger often overlooked, so it is good to choose a theme that is optimized for SEO. But when you choose it, be careful, not all themes that claim to be SEO optimized they are.

It is also true that if you are not technical or do not have access to the theme, you will not know if it is really optimized for SEO.

Within this SEO optimization should take into account at least these two points.

– Loading speed of the theme
This point can easily measure with the tool Pingdom, choose the url where the theme is mounted as a demo and do a speed test.

It is true that the rate will depend on the server configuration and where from this one is hosted, but if you like the response times you can get something like figuring out the hosting that uses the web where the demo is and hiring it there.

– Clean code and proper structuring
At this point you should consider more technical aspects like h1 headers are not repeated, that the topic does not have much useless code, many calls to style sheets and javascript, etc.

Easy to customize and adapt it
Something you should also take into account, and even more if you have a good technical level is that the theme is easily customizable from the admin menu of your WordPress.

The theme should allow you to choose layouts, customize your home page, create widgets, have support for WordPress custom menus, etc.

If you are not technical always look for a theme that helps you to personalize it, usually all professional themes let you demo where you can “flip” and see the possibilities that it allows you.

Support and updates
Although it is the fourth point is no less important than the previous ones. When you buy a theme looks that it has support and updates.

If you need help to set it up and it doesn’t support, you’ll need much time and/or money to get what you seek. If it has no updates, it is possible that with one of the updates of WordPress, your theme stops working and start having problems.

Always look at this; never take a theme that does not have support and updates (free to be able to be …).

Support ecommerce plugins
If you think make sales on your blog and install any of the e-commerce plugins there, you should also take into account this point.

A theme that supports these plugins will always give much better results than one that is not, and will facilitate the work of making sales on your website.